Anti-Bullying Policy

  • Definitions: A person is bullied when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself. Characteristics of bullying include a pattern of behavior that is repeated over time and involves an imbalance of power and strength.
  • Purpose: It is the goal of the Burnham Wood Family of Charter Schools (BWFCS) to reduce any existing problems, prevent the development of new situations and increase respectful, responsible and quality interpersonal interactions.
  • The following types and the scope of bullying are as follows:
    • Verbal bullying including derogatory comments/name calling
    • Bullying through exclusion or isolation
    • Hitting, kicking, shoving and fighting
    • Bullying in the form of lies, gossip or rumors
    • Having money or property damaged or taken
    • Threatened or forced to do things
    • Racial bullying, Sexual bullying, Cyber bullying (i.e. texting, social media, etc.)
  • District Policy: BWFCS has policies for referral, investigation, reporting, and consequences. Mental health referral, communication practices, as well as training and prevention of bullying are part of the scope of the district policy. At all of the BWFCS, students and faculty are oriented in the Core Values that they are expected to follow. These values are taught to the teachers at Pre-Service and to the students throughout the school year.
  • Any staff or student may report a bullying concern by requesting and completing a Self-Reflection Plan [SRP] or an Incident Report. The SRP is available in the classroom. The Incident Report form is available from the counselor or can be requested at the office. Incidents and SRPs may be turned into the Front Office or to any teacher. They will then be passed along to a school leader (principal) or administrative designee for review, investigation, consequences and documentation.
  • Once the administrative designee determines upon investigation that the incident fits the parameters of bullying, all steps to the discipline system are followed. The incident report is filed, the discipline committee meets with the student and the parents. A behavior contract is created and signed. If an illegal action has occurred, the police will be called and the incident will be reported. The final report is disseminated as follows: One copy is given to the parent, one copy to the principal, one copy to the counselor/disciplinary file and one copy is sent to the superintendent of BWFCS.
  • A principal or other appropriate administrator will take appropriate steps to remove the student from the school environment whereby the student will be required to attend an alternative education program if the investigation shows that the child remains a danger or potential danger to others.
  • The student will be suspended immediately if he/she is a threat to others; the student will be expelled if the individual remains hostile, refuses to accept responsibility for his actions and does not show willingness to desist from this behavior.
  • Consideration will be given students if they are covered by Special Education. A Manifestation and Determination Hearing will be conducted to determine whether there is a relationship between the student’s bullying behavior and the disability. An appropriate placement will be recommended by the ARD Committee if there is one.
  • The BWFCS’ overriding factor that drives its decision-making is the evaluation of the immediate and potential risks to the safety and well-being of other students and
    adults as a result of the bullying behavior of the culprit(s).

Related: Anti-Discrimination Policy